Energy Performance Certificate

What is the required EPC rating in Scotland? In Scotland, landlords must ensure their rental properties have an Energy Performance Certificate rating of D or higher, make the EPC readily available to tenants and prospective tenants, and have an EPC rating of C by 2025. Contact us for a quote

Government information on EPC

Yes. It is a legal requirement to have a valid EPC for a property when marketing for sales and/or lettings. There are exemptions for certain property types, and all exemptions have to be registered on the national register. Each registered exemption is valid for five years.

The EPC shows:

the building’s ‘energy efficiency rating’, which gives you an idea of how much fuel bills are likely to be
the building’s ‘environmental impact rating’, which shows how much the building affects the environment with CO2 emissions

Both ratings are on a scale from A to G with A being the best. You’re also given a ‘potential’ rating, which is the rating the building could reach if the suggested improvements were made.

It’s the law in Scotland to have the EPC ‘affixed’ to the building, building standards guidance suggests in the boiler or meter cupboard.
Recommendations report

A ‘recommendations report’ is provided with an EPC. This gives:

  • more detailed information on the energy efficiency of the building
  • how to improve it
  • possible costs
  • Updating an EPC

An EPC is valid for 10 years. When it expires you need to update an EPC for a new sale or tenancy.

You may also want to update the EPC if you make improvements to the building. This is especially if you sell our rent the building after the improvements. This means potential buyers or tenants get the most up-to-date information.

Sample certificate

Energy Performance Certificate

What is an example of EPC rating?

The score will be out of 100, with 100 being the most energy efficient. The SAP/rdSAP score will determine the EPC rating. For example, if your SAP/rdSAP score is 71, then your EPC rating is C. If your SAP/rdSAP score is 25, then your EPC rating is F.

Click on the PDF left for a full sample certificate

Energy Performance Certificate